RATOC >BONE>Femur measurement
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3D Bone BMD measurement

Femur measurement

Waist, chest, cervical spine

bone morphometry

Bone mineral density measurement

Rheumatism measurement

Cortical bone measurement

Tooth 3D morphological detail measurement

Medication measurement software using the VBMmethod

Measurement of enamel mineral loss

Finite element analysis

Bone Mineral Phantom
Clinical CT image measurement software       TRI/3D-BON-FCSCL/Femur

Measure changes in fracture strength and bone density over time using CT images.
The therapeutic effect of osteoporosis can be seen in the image,
and the fracture risk of the femoral whole bone, neck, trochanter,
and diaphysis is measured.
Measure fracture risk.

Measurement part/load condition

The measurement part is measured in 3D according to the DXA part
Whole bone, femoral neck (green), trochanter (yellow), diaphysis (blue)

Main measurement items

Zfracture load(N)
ZBone density(mg/cm3)
Zprincipal strain(%)